“Ruby Bridges” film screening

Disney’s “Ruby Bridges” film screening, 8:30 p.m. in The Science Building room 2701. This 1998 drama presents the real-life tale of young Ruby Bridges (played by Chaz Monet), one of the first African-American children to attend an integrated school in the Deep South. At only age 6, Ruby is selected to attend an all-white school in New Orleans, causing an uproar in the racially divided region. Among the people who try to help Ruby adjust to the tense situation are teacher Barbara Henry (Penelope Ann Miller) and Dr. Robert Coles (Kevin Pollak), a child psychiatrist.

“Much Ado About Nothing” at NMU

A Shakespeare play presented with the second week of deer camp in the Upper Peninsula as its backdrop might seem a strange combination or stretch, but Jimmy Ludwig, director of this month’s Northern Michigan University production of Much Ado About Nothing, said his adaptation is designed to make the show more relatable to local audiences. “Shakespeare isn’t really worth doing if the audience doesn’t see themselves in it; otherwise, it’s museum theater, which is a lovely production that sort of mimics how it was done back in the day,” said Ludwig, who grew up hunting near Iron River. “It may be interesting

Escanaba – Lenten Breakfast and Musical Program

Immanuel Lutheran Church 600 South Lincoln Road, Escanaba, Michigan

All are invited to the Annual Lenten Breakfast and Musical Program At Immanuel Lutheran Church 600 South Lincoln Road Escanaba, MI Saturday, March 1st Theme: WAITING FOR GOD’S TIME Breakfast: 9:15 a.m. Program: 10:00 a.m. A free will offering will be collected at the program, part of which will go toward the VICTIM SERVICE UNIT OF DELTA COUNTY Limited to 200 for breakfast, but unlimited for the program. For Reservations call 906-786-6771 or 906-280-4938 by February 26th.

“Much Ado About Nothing” at NMU

A Shakespeare play presented with the second week of deer camp in the Upper Peninsula as its backdrop might seem a strange combination or stretch, but Jimmy Ludwig, director of this month’s Northern Michigan University production of Much Ado About Nothing, said his adaptation is designed to make the show more relatable to local audiences. “Shakespeare isn’t really worth doing if the audience doesn’t see themselves in it; otherwise, it’s museum theater, which is a lovely production that sort of mimics how it was done back in the day,” said Ludwig, who grew up hunting near Iron River. “It may be interesting

He Went Down with His Ship: Captain Burke and the Steamer Arlington

He Went Down with His Ship: Captain Burke and the Steamer Arlington Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. At the Marquette Regional History Center Scuba diver and historian Dan Fountain will take you on the voyage of the Arlington. In the summer of 2023, a group of shipwreck hunters set out for the middle of Lake Superior in search of a shipwreck. They succeeded in finding an intact steel steamer in deep water, but what was it? Subsequent ROV dives to the wreck revealed its unexpected identity, and further research revealed that the wreck had tales to tell of

League of Women Voters of Marquette County March Meeting

The League of Women Voters of Marquette County will hold its next general membership meeting on Wednesday, March 5th at 6:45 p.m. Social time begins at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in Studio 1 on the Lower Level of the Peter White Public Library, 217 N. Front St., Marquette. The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. All community members are welcome to attend. For more information, send an email to lwvmqtco@gmail.com. If inclement weather,

NEA Big Read Marty Achatz Creative Writing Workshop 

NEA Big Read Marty Achatz Creative Writing Workshop  Thursday, March 6, 2025, 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.  Peter White Public Library, Heritage Room.  Adults, Seniors, Family Friendly.  Marty Achatz (two-time U.P. Poet Laureate) will lead participants through writing prompts based on Roz Chast’s Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?, exploring the theme of home and the people who make/made us.  No admission charge.  For more information, contact Marty at 226-4322, machatz@pwpl.info, or visit pwpl.info.

Repair Café 

Repair Café  Saturday, March 8, 2025. 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Toss it? No way! The Repair Café is back thanks to a partnership with the Marquette Sustainability Coalition. Bring in broken household goods such as appliances, clothing, or bikes and skilled fixers with assist you in repairing them. This is a great way to save money, learn valuable repair skills, and reduce your environmental impact. No admission charge. For further information, please contact mqtsustainability@gmail.com  or call 906-226-4303.

NEA Big Read Tyler Tichelaar Keynote:  Chief Kawbawgam   

NEA Big Read Tyler Tichelaar Keynote:  Chief Kawbawgam  Saturday, March 8, 2025, 1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.  Marquette Regional History Museum.  Adults, Seniors, Family Friendly.  Keynote Presentation:  Tyler Tichelaar (award-winning author).  Tyler Tichelaar will present information on local historical figure Charles Kawbawgam based on his book Kawbawgam:  The Chief, the Legend, the Man.  For more information, contact Marty at 226-4322, machatz@pwpl.info, or visit pwpl.info.

UPCC Apprentice of the Year Banquet

UPCC Apprentice of the Year Banquet   WHEN: Saturday, March 8, 2025. Program begins at 6:15 p.m.   WHERE: Island Resort and Casino, W 399 U.S. Rte 2, Harris, MI 49845 DETAILS: The UPCC will hold its annual Apprentice of the Year banquet to recognize outstanding apprentices in the U.P. construction industry. Eighteen apprentices have been nominated for the title. The winner will receive $1,000, and two runners up will each receive $500. Genesee County Sheriff Chris Swanson, who has announced his intention to run for Michigan governor, will be the guest speaker.   CONTACT: Jen Eyer, jeneyer@gmail.com, 734-846-1566