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MSU Extension – Smart Gardening with Vegetables 101 Registration

Smart Gardening with Vegetables 101 – Registration is Open We are pleased to announce that registration for MSU Extension Smart Vegetable Gardening 101 is now open. This course is online and self-paced. Individual registration is $40.00. We also offer a group rate of $125.00. Group leaders must email Liz Slajus, with a list of names and email addresses for all group members. Register at Course Overview This course covers gardening from start to finish: what you need to get started, types of gardening, planning and preparation, soil preparation, plants to select, starting and maintaining healthy plants, garden maintenance,

NEA Big Read Marty Achatz Creative Writing Workshop 

NEA Big Read Marty Achatz Creative Writing Workshop  Thursday, March 6, 2025, 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.  Peter White Public Library, Heritage Room.  Adults, Seniors, Family Friendly.  Marty Achatz (two-time U.P. Poet Laureate) will lead participants through writing prompts based on Roz Chast’s Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?, exploring the theme of home and the people who make/made us.  No admission charge.  For more information, contact Marty at 226-4322,, or visit