Northern Michigan University WellBeing will hold a grand opening for the new outdoor ice rink, located behind the Northern Center, from 5-8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 1. The public is invited. The event will include a food truck, ribbon-cutting and hot chocolate bar.
Limited free skate rentals are available, with priority given to NMU students. The rink will be open throughout February from 1-4 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Any closures will be shared on NMU’s WellBeing Instagram here as well as Volunteers are needed; more information can be found here.
“We are excited to offer this new winter outdoor activity option on campus,” said Jessica Corkin, NMU Wellbeing promotions coordinator. “A list of rules will be posted. Some include skating at your own risk, helmets are strongly encouraged, please no hockey or rough play, and no skates–even with skate guards–allowed in the Northern Center.”
The closest parking lots to the rink are 1 and 8. Learn more about NMU WellBeing here.